Installation and Awards Luncheon
June 17, 2022
Each June, the Tri-City Hospital Auxiliary holds its Annual Meeting and the installation of its Board of Directors and Officers.
In addition to the installation of officers, this event honors Volunteers who have achieved significant goals in the number of hours they have donated since joining the Auxiliary. These Appreciation Awards are awarded in 500-hour increments.
New volunteers are honored with their initial pin as they reach their first 100 hours of service. Each month approximately ten individuals meet this goal and are presented their Appreciation Award.
Individuals with 500 or more hours are recognized at the Installation and Awards Luncheon. At the 2022 Installation luncheon, 49 individuals were recognized with service pins. Their total lifetime contribution of hours totaled 101,100 hours. One individual reached the astounding achievement of having given 11,500 hours of service. This would be comparable to five and a half years of full-time employment. Other notable achievements ranged from 5,500 hours to 8,000 hours.